Making Your Own Website

By Ricardo D Argence

Whether you want a website for business or pleasure, you might be feeling a little bit reluctant to get into the world of webdesign.

After all, isn’t this something that people get paid hundreds of dollars to do? While that is true, this doesn’t mean that you will come up short when it comes to a website.

Think of website design as singing. There are a few people who are at the top of the profession, many more who manage to make a bit of money doing it, and plenty of people who just do it for their own purposes.

That doesn’t mean that any of those people have bad singing voices, so remember that getting the proficiency to make your own website is fairly straighforward.

The first thing that you need to think about is a host, a service that will sell you a domain name and help you keep your sight up on their servers. You’ll find that these hosts are fairly inexpensive and that they will also likely provide you with some basic website templates to work with.


While these are fine for general purposes, you might have more needs than they are willing to account for. Think about what you need your website to do and don’t stop until it does that!

When you have the matter of hosting taken care of, it’s time to take a look and find out what WYSIWYG program is available to you.

WYSIWIG stands for the phrase “what you see is what you get” and it will be your best friend while you are designing your webpage. Essentially, a WYSIWIG program will allow you to build your webpage up simply by adding features to a page template.

This is straightforward in the extreme and relies on no knowledge of coding at all. With a little bit of practice, these programs can become quite instinctive.

Some WYSIWIG programs include Adobe GoLive, Dreamweaver and FrontPage, and you’ll find that they are all similarly useful. You’ll be able to type text directly into the page itself, and you’ll find that there are many different things that you can do.

A rudimentary knowledge of word processing can do a lot of good to you here, but even that is not vital. In no time at all, you’ll be able to design your pages.

Remember to test them as you go, to ensure that you have no dead links or similar problems, but you can do quite a lot just on your own.

After you have the design of your webpage set up, you’ll find that all you have to do is FTP them to your webserver, where they will be accessible to the rest of the internet.

Making your webpages this way, you don’t need any knowledge of code, nor do you need to worry about making updates through a difficult interface.

Designing webpages has never been easier, so take advantage of programs like this to put your page up!

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